Cinema might, for example, have become primarily a documentary form. 电影或许将会成为一种主要的纪实形式。
Consequently, the health of the documentary form serves as an indicator of a network's commitment to news and as a barometer of social, political, and economic dynamics. 结果,健康文件成为网络提供给新闻的承诺,也是社会,政治,经济动态的晴雨表。
Documentary form: The rules of representation according to which the content of a record, its administrative and documentary context, and its authority are communicated. 成文形式:依据文件的内容、管理、成文背景和权限之间的关系所制定的表达规则。成文形式具有外在要素和内在要素。
Sanmao, the popular female writer among Chinese readers of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland and overseas during the 1970s and 1980s, has made her adventure experience a vagabond literature in the documentary form, fascinated lot of young readers, especially female readers. 在20世纪70、80年代的港台、大陆及海外华文读者中享有盛誉的台湾知名女作家三毛,以自己一生传奇经历写成的传记体式的流浪文学,曾倾倒了无数青少年特别是女性读者。
Narration in code process in television documentary film, entrusted with it in content and form by rhythm, may enhance the television documentary film esthetic value, and has enormous practical significance in realizing invisibility and the effective reception of TV documentary film. 在电视纪录片的叙事编码过程中,给电视纪录片的内容和形式赋予节奏,可以提高电视纪录片的美学价值,对实现纪录片的可视性和有效收视具有较大的意义。
A documentary, as an artistic form, has two essential problems: the nature of record and the expression of art. 纪录片作为一种艺术式样,有两个基本理论问题:纪录的本性和艺术的表达。
Documentary in China, experiencing a continued period of external theory of baptism, Kang Jianning directors can not only absorb the times of these nutrients, but also be able to continue to study and practice to form their own unique style features. 在中国纪录片不断经历着着外来理论洗礼的时期,康建宁导演不但能够与时俱进地吸收着这些养分,同时也能够在不断钻研和实践中形成自己独特的风格特征。
Documentary is a form of highly tasted realistic movie and/ or TV program. It reflects reality extensively and deeply and its forms of creation, its types and genres are of great variety. 纪录片是一种高品位的纪实影视形态,它所反映的层面十分深广,其创作形式、种类和体裁也相当丰富。
Documentary feature Movie in the rear, movie as a mainstream form of a government-run movies during the war, in the formulation of the mechanism has not been a characteristic to the kernel image from the movie the overall summarized in the context of creation and combing. 大后方电影纪实性故事片,作为抗战时期官营电影体下的主流形态电影,在发生机制的表述上一直没有一个从生成语境到创作特征的总体归纳和梳理。
The documentary photography as a form of public service ads, with other manifestations do not have the characteristics that enable public service ads to achieve a better effect. 而纪实摄影作为公益广告的一种表现形式,具有其他表现形式所不具有的特点,能够使公益广告达到更加良好的效果。
The CCTV Documentary Channel column arrangement, broadcast, program form, content from multiple perspectives of alignment types. 本文将对央视纪录频道的栏目编排,节目播出,节目形态,内容题材进行多角度类型化比对。
Documentary photography is a photographic camera to take advantage of the special principle of photochemical done on a copy of the visual scene, so some critics have argued that documentary photography is not the form of picture art aesthetic. 纪实摄影是摄影家利用照相机的特殊的光化原理对视觉现场所做的复制,因此上一些评论家认为纪实摄影不具有图画艺术的形式审美。
For a fairly long period of time, documentary credits have become the most important international clearing form, while documentary credits will still play an important role in the longer period of time. 在相当长的一段时期内,跟单信用证成为了最重要的国际结算方式,而且,在可预见的未来较长一段时期内,跟单信用证仍然会不断发挥重要作用。
The job of university Archives is collecting, developing the valuable documentary material, from to the process of teaching, research and management work to form a full picture of the career development of University and the objective situation. 高校档案工作是将高校教学、科研、管理等工作中所形成的有价值的文件材料进行收集整理、开发利用,从而形成全面反映高校各项事业发展客观状况的宝贵资料的一项工作。
The documentary is the initial form of movie and TV, and It is a more comfortable means of communication. 纪录片是电影、电视的初始形态,表现手法方面是一种更为自在的传播手段。